Outside Everybody!

When Jocelyn asks to go outside, we can't help singing the catchy tune from Bubble Guppies:

Outside! Outside!
Outside, everybody, outside!
Line up, everybody
Line up, line up.
Line up, everybody
Line up, line up.

Okay, so it's not going to win any awards for it's monotonous lyrics, but it's it's pretty easy for a toddler to remember.

But then Jocelyn wants to know why she has to line up if she's not in school? And she's the only one in line?

That girl is too smart for her own good.

We've been playing outside almost every day since the warm temperatures have arrived. Swinging, sliding, jumping on the trampoline, digging in the sandbox, coloring chalk on the driveway, exploring new playgrounds, and playing ball with Shaggy. You name it and Jocelyn has done it this past week.

I don't know if I'm ready for sandy toddlers tracking dirt on my hardwoods...

We even got Jayce to come outside for a second. Then he saw a bee and was hightailing it back indoors.

I've been trying to get Jocelyn to pump with her legs on the big kid swings. She's so small, though, that she usually talks me into pushing her in the baby swings.

That hair! Never fails to get a laugh out of me.

Flip Flop weather! I'm not a mom that believes in waiting until Easter for flip flops and shorts. White pants? White shoes? That's a big yes.

(Don't tell Jocelyn but I had to give Piglet a bath in the washing machine because pigs obviously like dirt a little too much.)

Shaggy is certainly enjoying the attention outside.

Our town opened up a newly renovated playground this past weekend. I have a ton of pictures of Jayce and Jaina playing here when they were Jocelyn's age. Our family was sad when a tragic accident caused the entire place to be shut down. But now Jocelyn can experience the brand new equipment at this park.

My poor little Fall pansies barely made it through the winter. They are flourishing now in the warm weather. I don't think they like heat so it will be interesting to see how long they last.

My neighbor's ornamental cherry tree bloomed overnight and it lasted exactly two days. 

Another sign of Spring? The patches of clover overtaking our yard. Sigh. I know clover is a good ground cover but I'd rather have luscious fescue grass.

I never get tired of taking chalk pictures. 

An artist I am not, but I enjoy attempting the pictures she requests.

My allergies may not agree, but I'm loving this time of year. And I think Jocelyn is, too :)


  1. GREAT pics. We've been loving all the outside time too. It's so nice and a little more peaceful than people running wild in my house. ;) Jocelyn is getting so big! ❤️


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