Our 2015 year in Pictures

I attempted a Project 365 in 2014 and was suprised at how hard it was to complete. I decided to try taking a picture every week instead this year and my Project  52 was much easier to accomplish. This is my first attempt at embedding a photo slideshow in my blog so apologies for all the vertical pictures that are smooshed into horizontal images. I might have to remember to only take landscape orientation pictures for 2016!

Overall, 2015 was pretty great. I mean, I certainly could have done without the whole brain aneurysm stuff, but at least it turned out well. I'm so glad we got to travel all Summer and spend time with family.

My goals for 2016 aren't any different. I predict we'll be spending as much time with our family that lives out of state as possible.

Happy New Year from The Walkers!



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