And here's our SNOW!

Well, it looks like our Winter took a long time to get here. It's almost March for crying out loud! Yet, we'll happily take snow any time. As long as it's 70 degrees the next day :)

Our first snow fall was disappointing. It was just a dusting; hardly any more than that. Of course school was cancelled. We live in South Carolina, after all.

I'm so glad we were able to get Jayce outside for it. He doesn't really care for snow, or outside, much at all.  He was determined to get a good snowball to throw at his big sister. Unfortunately, the snow wasn't good snow for packing.

Jocelyn loved the snow... for all of 15 minutes. Then she was cold. And wet. And cold. And she fell down. At least I got some smiling pictures before she complained!

Jayce might not have gotten enough snow for a snowball, but Jaina cheated and took a bunch of snow off the trampoline to attack Jayce with.

That's her look of satisfaction right there :)

By Wednesday morning our kids were back at school with no snow in sight. We battened down the hatches and prepared for "one of the worst winter storms in South Carolina History". Every meterologist on every news station predicted our area would get a minimum of 4 inches, but more likely we'd get up to 8 inches.

The snow fall started around 6 PM on Wednesday night. Big beautiful wet flakes! The sun was already set so it was hard to see outside. We couldn't wait to wake up to inches of fluffy snow in the morning!!!

Um, yeah...

We got 2 inches. Most of our county got a dusting. Some areas got nada. It was so disappointing. I blame our governor, who I believe jinxed us all by prematurely declared our area a state of emergency.

Jocelyn liked this snow much better. First of all, the sun was out and it was pretty warm. She also appreciated the fact that there were no snowflakes falling in her face this time.

There was just enough snow for a Snowman.  I let Brian handle that. He's good at making snowmen.

We named him Olaf. And then someone insisted that we go inside right away and watch Frozen. Yes, we pride ourselves on originality.

And, just like that, our snow is gone. School is back on for tomorrow. I heard a rumor its going to be 70 degrees next week. Now, that's the kind of weather *I* like.


  1. We're getting snow today. And tomorrow. Boo. I am ready for warmth!


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