Music on Main 2014

Its been four years since our family has gone to Music On Main. To be honest, I had almost forgotten all about it. We always have fun when we go, but we are seldom free in the evenings due to Baseball, Tumbling, School Board, Band Booster, International Choir, Middle school chorus, and whatever else we do.

Brian has been attending the past few Music on Main events in order to collect signatures in hopes that a referendum will make it on the ballot this Fall.

 The dear citizens of Spartanburg town can imbibe alcohol on Sundays in restaurants as long as they are within city limits. That leaves a whole lot of folks out in the county drinking sweet tea and coke on Sunday. We'd like to change that. You know, 'cause some people like to drink alcohol at restaurants. And some people don't care what day of the week it is. As I keep explaining to people opposed to the idea, "If you think drinking alcohol on Sunday is breaking the Sabbath, then don't drink." Don't worry, no one is going to be forced to buy alcohol in front of their church bible study group, I promise you.

 So while Brian did his thing, the kids and I enjoyed the sun, lawn, and music.

This was Jocelyn's first time at Music on Main. She absolutely loved it!

Jayce wasn't exactly thrilled to be going, but he handled it okay.

I let him take pictures with my camera. I forgot to change the settings to AUTO so only one of his photos turned out. The one of me :)

Jaina loves being social. She spent some time helping Brian in the tent and then the rest of the time playing with Jocelyn.

Both kids took turns chasing her all around the lawn.

Are you as shocked as I am that she is not wearing Disney character attire? I know, right?

Jocelyn decided that the lawn was the perfect place to practice gymnastics.

Jaina wasn't shy about it, either.

Then Jocelyn decided to just go and join another family. 

They had bubbles. I really couldn't blame her.

I am SO glad that Winter is behind us and Spring is in full bloom. I can almost taste the warm weather, the heat of the sun on my skin, the smell of chlorine and sunscreen, the smell of freshly cut grass.

Bring it on, Summer.


  1. Fun times!

    Natalie always does cartwheels. I have to remind her to please not do it in stores.


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