H Squared

Back in the Fall of 2010, I found myself alone for 6 hours every day. Jayce was in full day Kindergarten and Jaina was in 3rd grade at the same school. This was actually the only year that they were in the same school building.

There was brief talk about me getting a job. You know, one of those things that paid an actual salary and required me to get up and dressed in the mornings.

Um, no thanks. After being a SAHM to two small kids for 8 straight years, I was looking forward to my 6 hours of freedom every day. I had earned it!

Yet, I have a hard time saying no to people. And when my former neighbor Tracy told me that her niece was expecting her first child and was looking for child care... well, I couldn't help but to be interested.

I love babies. And toddlers. Seriously, I can't get enough of them. All I had to do is look at my huge 5 and 8 year old before I decided that I would love to watch her 3 month old baby after Christmas.

Baby H was born in November and starting coming to my house 3 months later in February.

So, it was just me and Baby H just hanging out during the day while my big kids were doing their school thing.

Just a few short months after she started coming to my home, I found out I was expecting our third child. Thank goodness Baby H was easy on me during my severe morning sickness!

She was my little side kick during the day. She went with me to run errands and she helped me with my chores.

She took her nap next to me on the couch while I watched Days of Our Lives and I would wake her up when it was time to go get the big kids.

Her first birthday came so fast. I loved watching her meet all her developmental milestones!

She enjoyed being an only child from the hours of 8-2 but really loved tagging along with Jaina and Jayce in the afternoons.

And when Jocelyn was born? Well, that was just fun having a baby around to mother :)

I watched Baby H turn into Toddler H. Little Miss Independent, for sure.

And Toddler H blossomed into a pre-schooler.

As her hair grew longer, her personality got bigger :)

She fit right into our family.

All that time with Baby Jocelyn would be good practice for H when her Only Child status was changed to Big Sister with the birth of this little guy.

He became the new Baby H :)

Baby brother got to spend 3 months home with mom, too, before coming to my house as well.

It was nice to have a new baby in the house again! Although, I gotta admit that it took me many months to adjust to having a 3 month old, one year old, and almost 3 year old (and not to mention juggling my other two school aged kids in the afternoon!).

So, at his house, Baby H is second in the birth order. At my house, he's 5th. Unfortunately, that means he doesn't have as many pictures. I've been too busy keeping 3 kids under three from destroying my house :)

I blinked and he was sitting up and crawling.

And now he's standing already!

And even more recently, last week to be exact, he started taking steps!

(no pictures of that yet, but I will be trying to capture it on camera!)


Since they aren't my kids, I try not to reveal any identifying information about them online. And I always ask their mom before posting pictures on FB. She loves pictures of her kids and is fine with it.

I'm not gonna lie... some days its really really hard. I don't get a shower;  I'm holding a teething baby while trying to cook lunch; Baby H rarely naps for me; and the girls fight over toys more than they get along.

And then some days, H and Jocelyn are the best of friends.

Its those hard days that I don't pick up the camera once to document anything. Yet, I don't want to forget this time in our lives (and their lives), so I'm making a point to include H and H in my 365 project.

Our time together is coming to a close.

 Miss H is going to be attending pre-school in the Fall at her parent's church. Baby H, who will be a toddler very soon in June, will be hanging out at his Papa's house while his mom is at work.

I've also made a decision. I will no longer be keeping kids in my home on a regular or temporary basis. I've been doing this off and on since Jaina was 18 months old and frankly,  I'm tired. Jocelyn is very ready to potty train this Summer and I'm so looking forward to a diaper free existence.

I'm kind of done with high chairs and bottles; bibs and babyproofing. I never thought I'd get to the point where I felt done having babies, but I'm there. I want to enjoy my 12 year old and coach her through cheerleading tryouts. I want to take more interest in my 9 year old's Minecraft worlds. And I want to enjoy my two year old in all her obstinate glory :)

I'm ready to take my photography business more seriously and take it to the next level. I don't want to be a mom with a camera that does photography on the side. I want to be a photographer. I am ready to act like a business owner.

And since I have long since realized that I just can't do it all, something has to give.

I'll miss these little ones for sure, but am confident that my decision is best for me and my family :)

And maybe, just maybe,  one day I'll open up a real daycare in our area. "Miss Jessie's" does have a certain ring to it! :P


  1. They are precious! And lucky to have you as a part of their lives. I'm sure you are tired...that's a lot of little ones to keep up with, but seems like you've been doing a great job. :)

  2. Aw. Love your photos.

    I don't blame you for not wanting to watch kids anymore. I wouldn't. I enjoy my peace when my kids are in school too much.


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