All's Well

It appears that the server that houses every single one of my digital picture files is currently "unstable" according to Brian. This has prompted me to stop uploading pictures to my computer for the past week for fear that I will upset the delicate balance of the system and cause a complete and total system faliure.

Brian says that is not very likely, however, I'm not taking any chances.

There was no way around uploading Instram pics, though. My phone's memory was almost full so I had to do a phone dump.

As you can see, we've been doing a whole lot of baseball, soccer, napping, and enjoying the sunshine. (This was all last month!)

I'll be back soon!


  1. love looking at all of your fun adventures through instagram!! so cute!!

  2. Hope the server gets fixed soon. That would be my nightmare if any of our hard drives were to crash.


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