Little Monkey

Oh look....

Its a monkey
wearing monkeys
with her monkey.

Said monkey (the stuffed one) was an impulse buy at Target a few weeks ago. I was looking for Baby Legs legwarmers for Jocelyn when she reached over the rail of the cart to try to grab this monkey off the clearance shelf.

I let her hold the monkey to appease her while I continued my search. I struck out on the Baby Legs. Supposedly our Target doesn't carry them any more.

After seeing Jocelyn squeal with delight while she hugged and patted her new friend, I pretty much decided that the joy I saw on Jocelyn's face was worth the $7 (down from $8.99) for the monkey.

She is definitely attached to her stuffed animal! She doesn't care about any of her other stuffed animals but she LOVES her monkey.

My mom decided to pick up another one in our local Target in case she ever lost it or something happened to it, only to find that our Target doesn't carry them any more. (Yep, not too happy with our Target lately in the baby aisle!) After a quick search online, I discovered I could buy one on Ebay for $44.

Thankfully, I will not have to spend 6x the amount to get a second monkey. My good friend in Columbia has found one and bought it for us :) She is such a sweetheart!


  1. Feed the monkey obsession! hah

    She's going to be like Jaina with all of her stuffed animals. It all starts with a simple toy hammock...

  2. These pictures are just precious! And so glad you got the backup monkey... just in case!


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