Easy Peasy week

A big THANK YOU to everyone that took the time to vote on my husband's hairstyle :) He was a little sad to see that his favorite look is definitely in the minority, but is very happy to remind me that the majority of voters did not side with me and my clean shaven look :) As soon as he cuts his hair on March 21st, I'll be sure to post an updated picture of him for ya'll :)

For once, I have nothing to complain about. This has been a pretty easy going week!

Jayce is chugging right along with therapy. As soon as we have his team meeting next week to discuss program changes, I'll be talking more about ABA therapy for anyone who is interested.

Jaina is involved with the International Choir at her school and gets to take two field trips soon for performances.

Brian and I finally got to go out for our belated Valentine's Day dinner last night. We tried a new restaurant on the Eastside of town. Eh, it was okay. I got a big ribeye so that always makes me happy!

This afternoon might find us connecting with another family who's son has autism. Its amazing... when you first suspect that one of your children has autism, it can be a very isolating feeling. Then when you start talking about it, people come out of the woodwork! I've been very fortunate to make some very good friends over the past 2.5 years since Jayce started therapy. They are an awesome support system :)

I haven't been using my camera much this week. Instead, I got a book at the library called "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson that was recommended to me by Kamee to help me understand the different options your camera gives you in manual mode. It was very interesting and easily explained in the book. Of course, now it makes me want to shoot all of my snow pictures over again so I can adjust my light meter appropriately for snow! Wait a minute, did I just wish for snow again? Nah....

Anyway, I'm off to go catch up on my blog reading to see what all my internet friends have been doing lately :)

And because I think my posts without pictures are boring, here's one of Jaina taken last week:


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Hey, just want to say hi. I'm new here.

  2. I love Understanding Exposure. It is the first book that I recommend to anyone when it comes to digital photography. Of course, I still have problems trying to connect all the good information in the book to actually being able to do it on my camera.

  3. So glad you're having a good week and I'm excited to see what new things you learn and put into practice with your pics! Beautiful pic as always :)

  4. I always recommend Understand Exposure to anyone doing photography. I found out about the book in 2008 and have checked it out from the library at least 4 times now. It's on my Amazon wish list.

    I like the Sunny 16 Rule, since it's always so sunny down here. One of the things I learned about exposure in photography class, when photographing anything gray, for example a burned out bon fire of just ashes. Meter off the grass around it and then compose your shot. THere are instances you have to meter off the surrounding areas and not necessarily the subject. Also, my teacher mentioned you can use the palm of your hand as a portable gray card to meter in certain instances.

    Have fun with it.

  5. Just stumbled upon your site via blogfrog. Great blog and amazing photos!

  6. I just love that picture... she has such gorgeous eyes!


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