Our Week, At a Glance...
On Saturday, I cleaned the playroom and moved the Little Tykes Slide inside. Woo hoo. Exciting stuff, heh?

Last Sunday, we all went to the International Festival downtown. They had music, food, games, a clown, face painting, you name it. But I loved the fact that each country had a tent that you could go and visit. Jaina had to stop and get a bindi from the beautiful ladies of India. Then we bought hand made mermaid dolls at the Chinese tent. Jayce had to have one, too :) He calls her "dollie" and sleeps with her and gives her kisses. The kids also had fun coloring pictures at the Denmark table.

Jaina is officially a Daisy Girl Scout :) She has earned the "center" and two petals to be put on her pinafore. We went with her troop to the fire station to learn about Fire Safety.

Jayce's newest obsession.... its like a Mr. Potato head, except its Elmo and it talks when you stick the objects in. He got it for Christmas last year and just now decided it was worthy of his attention. Now he gives it TOO much attention!

Then on Thursday, Jayce and I went to the park to meet our AP friends :)

I went to a local consignment sale this week and scored some good stuff! I got a Kelty Kids metal frame backpack carrier for $35!!! The receipt attached said it was bought in 2003 for $145 from a hiking store in G'ville. Jayce has already broken it in around the neighborhood. I also got Jaina a few cute outfits. And they each got a toy. Jaina picked a bag of motorcycles and Jayce got a Little People garage.

This morning, I took Jayce to an inflatable playplace in our town. He did not like it, and stayed by the door for the 45 minutes we were there. If it wasn't so darn expensive ($8.50 each visit!), I would go every week until he got used to it. The place is toddler heaven... ball pit, noodle pit, inflatable slide, arts and crafts, tricycles, plastic animals to play with. We went with MOMS Club today and got a special price, so it wasn't too much of a waste.

So much to say, so little time!

Last Sunday, we all went to the International Festival downtown. They had music, food, games, a clown, face painting, you name it. But I loved the fact that each country had a tent that you could go and visit. Jaina had to stop and get a bindi from the beautiful ladies of India. Then we bought hand made mermaid dolls at the Chinese tent. Jayce had to have one, too :) He calls her "dollie" and sleeps with her and gives her kisses. The kids also had fun coloring pictures at the Denmark table.

Jaina is officially a Daisy Girl Scout :) She has earned the "center" and two petals to be put on her pinafore. We went with her troop to the fire station to learn about Fire Safety.

Jayce's newest obsession.... its like a Mr. Potato head, except its Elmo and it talks when you stick the objects in. He got it for Christmas last year and just now decided it was worthy of his attention. Now he gives it TOO much attention!

Then on Thursday, Jayce and I went to the park to meet our AP friends :)

I went to a local consignment sale this week and scored some good stuff! I got a Kelty Kids metal frame backpack carrier for $35!!! The receipt attached said it was bought in 2003 for $145 from a hiking store in G'ville. Jayce has already broken it in around the neighborhood. I also got Jaina a few cute outfits. And they each got a toy. Jaina picked a bag of motorcycles and Jayce got a Little People garage.

This morning, I took Jayce to an inflatable playplace in our town. He did not like it, and stayed by the door for the 45 minutes we were there. If it wasn't so darn expensive ($8.50 each visit!), I would go every week until he got used to it. The place is toddler heaven... ball pit, noodle pit, inflatable slide, arts and crafts, tricycles, plastic animals to play with. We went with MOMS Club today and got a special price, so it wasn't too much of a waste.

So much to say, so little time!
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