Children's Museum
It was about that time again...
Every 6 months, we take a trip up to NC to the local Children's museum. Its only $5 a person to get in (we had a group discount this time, even better!) and totally worth it. One day, we won't have napping children and might actually get to stay longer than two hours.
Here are the pics:
Jaina is all set for her new career choice. It was either firefighter, or hairdresser.

"Its just so damn cute, I can't help but kiss it!!!"

In the Valley of Vegetables, Where the Garden is always full, is the Valley of Vegetables

Shh... don't tell him that its not a REAL Thomas the Tank Engine set!

Jayce says, "I am SO excited to be learning about Kinetic Energy!!! Or just watching balls bounce off each other. Whatever".

Jaina in a bubble. Just like the 80's movie about the kid with no immune system!

A cashier's job needs much concentration. Especially because the plastic produce does not have bar codes.
Every 6 months, we take a trip up to NC to the local Children's museum. Its only $5 a person to get in (we had a group discount this time, even better!) and totally worth it. One day, we won't have napping children and might actually get to stay longer than two hours.
Here are the pics:
Jaina is all set for her new career choice. It was either firefighter, or hairdresser.

"Its just so damn cute, I can't help but kiss it!!!"

In the Valley of Vegetables, Where the Garden is always full, is the Valley of Vegetables

Shh... don't tell him that its not a REAL Thomas the Tank Engine set!

Jayce says, "I am SO excited to be learning about Kinetic Energy!!! Or just watching balls bounce off each other. Whatever".

Jaina in a bubble. Just like the 80's movie about the kid with no immune system!

A cashier's job needs much concentration. Especially because the plastic produce does not have bar codes.

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