Christmas 2006
That picture says it all :) It was a great Christmas morning at our home. Jaina had requested three presents: 1. A Princess Bike 2. A big pink doggie and 3. A Barbie laptop computer. I think she was surprised by the Dora Wishing Fairy doll and delighted by the Ariel sleeping bag. She also loved the presents that Gray picked out for her, namely the Birthday play set. Gray also made her a personalized pink pooh blanket that has instantly become her new favorite.
Jayce wasn't very interested in opening presents this year. Or last year, for that matter! Its been my experience that kids don't really get into the whole present thing until they are over three. He watched Jaina open her Barbie Laptop computer and immediately wanted it! We tried to distract him with opening a present of his own, but he'd have no part of it! He was MAD, with a capital M!
Anyway, we ended the day on a good note. I think for once in his life, Brian actually enjoyed this Christmas. He got the one thing he wanted (a MP3 player to take to the gym), a surprise present (a cell phone), and didn't have any major toys to put together :)
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